感謝社會各界的支持與厚愛!毅利昂首闊步邁過了21載,回顧過去,我們乘風破浪經過了風雨洗禮和堅實聳立在中華大地,使得我們深深的知會團結的力量是無窮的,合作能賦予新天地。展望未來,毅利愿與您同舟共濟為不斷探索商品的供需市場為導向而努力奮斗,因為那里是我們最終的方向。 毅利人愿一如繼往的與閣下的企業(yè)團結一致、拓土開疆。
Thank you to all sectors of society for their support and love! Yili has marched forward for 21 years. Looking back, we braved the wind and waves and stood firmly in China, which made us deeply understand that the power of unity is endless, and cooperation can endow Xintiandi. Looking ahead to the future, Yili is willing to work together with you to continuously explore the supply and demand markets of goods and strive for guidance, because that is our ultimate direction. |